In western countries, a tattoo is an art . Many tattoo lovers create images in various places in the body. They regarded stylist with such style. But you know what? Tattoo itself was also invited to health risks body.
At the time of contact between the needles and ink tattoo on the skin, it is an opportunity for someone to get a case of infection. Because, in the process saved a high risk of transfer of viruses, bacteria, and fungi that can infect the skin. Not to mention if the puncture needle too deeply and causing minor injuries. Various causes of the disease could also dissolved into the blood vessels.
"The possibility of infection through blood also increased through a tattoo," said Anup Dhir, senior cosmetic surgeon at Apollo Hospital, India, as quoted by the Times of India.
In addition, the material used for tattooing yag not everyone will fit. Therefore, it is possible to experience a tattoo recipient allergic reactions are severe. This reaction occurs when the body reject the ink used in the tattoo process.
And that needs to be attention anyway, tattoo pictures are not easy to remove.That is, the new permanent image may be lost with how many times do the plastic surgery. That is, the results are not optimal.
"Tattoos are one of the most difficult issues treated with plastic surgery.Most tattoo left image "faint ghost" after tattoo removal. And older (age tattoos), is more difficult to remove than the (still) new, "said Dhir.
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