Monday, October 7, 2013

Madonna Claims Ever Raped Before Famous

Madonna (Foto: wenn)

Madonna winding roads must be endured before becoming famous artists like now . In fact , Madonna never experienced a tragic incident while pursuing her dream of becoming an artist .

Madonna was willing to leave a dance scholarship at the University of Michigan after moving to New York City to make it easier to be an artist . In this city , the singer of " Frozen " was a bitter experience a variety of events . One of them raped .

" New York was not greeted with open arms . First year , I've been mugged with a gun . Raped on the roof of the building , I was dragged to the threat of a knife in my back , " recalls Madonna was quoted as saying Aceshowbiz , Saturday ( 10/05/2013 ) .

" I found my apartment three times as much mess . I do not know why . Worth I do not like when they took my radio first , " her continued .

To finance his life , Madonna would have done anything to earn money . This he did in order to achieve its goal of being a great artist . There was no reason for him to achieve my goals .

" If I'm not brave in my work or how I live , so I do not really see the point of life on this planet , " her said .

From too ambitious to realize his ideals , Madonna must be willing to lose their social life . He admitted not many friends . However , with the attitude and mentality of its steel , 55 -year-old woman incarnated as a singer and also a famous movie star .

" I must be brave . Continues to survive . To make it happen . But it was very difficult and lonely , and I have to dare yourself every day to keep going . Most people look at me weird . Did not have many friends . I may not have many friends , " her said .

" But it all turned out well in the end , because when you're not famous , does not have a social life , it will make you focus on the future . And for me , the departure to New York to really be an artist , " her said .

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