The scientists found a bright spot in determining the cause of Alzheimer's disease by examining the composition of the patient's DNA.
Alzheimer's Research Center in the UK, said the findings could "significantly increase" the understanding of the disease.
Number of patients with Alzheimer's in the world increases with increasing length of life expectancy.
However, there are still many unanswered key questions about what causes dementia, Clickhow brain cell damage occurs and how to treat it.
"It is very difficult to treat a disease if you do not understand what causes the disease," said Professor Julie Williams of Cardiff University, one of the study leaders.
Professor Williams, who also heads the section neurodegeneration in Cardiff University, told the BBC: "There's something in the immune response that causes Alzheimer's disease and we need to see it."
DNA as the genetic code that gives instructions to build and run the body examined for further clues.
Gene function
A group of scientists consisting of genetic researchers from 145 academic institutions in researching the DNA of 17,000 patients and 37,000 healthy people.
The researchers found that there was a version of the order of 21 genes that allow a person suffering from Alzheimer's disease later in life.
By looking at gene function in the body, allowing researchers to determine the processes that occur in Alzheimer's disease.
The way the body handles cholesterol and how brain cells to handle large molecules in a process called endocytosis also appears to follow a contributor.
Now what is needed is more research to observe this discovery, and find out what is wrong and then develop a treatment.
This can include the development of drugs, genetic therapy or lifestyle changes.
Scientists also are developing ways to detect symptoms of Alzheimer Clickthrough blood tests.
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